Exploring the
Dark Side
Rob Hoos’ newest publication, this short book explores approaches to dark roasting coffee (specifically roasting coffee to Second Crack). Here you will find real roasting examples that can help guide you in creating better dark-roasted coffee as well as the theories that underpin Rob’s approach to modulating the flavor profile of dark-roasted coffee.
Tipping and its Avoidance: A style Guide for Coffee Roasters
This booklet is a new publication from Rob Hoos and his first major written work since "Modulating the Flavor Profile of Coffee." This book explores the tipping defect which occurs during coffee roasting and suggests a novel way to avoid it. This book is roughly 8,000 words spread across 39 pages and includes full-color graphs and pictures.
Modulating the Flavor Profile of Coffee
With over 11,500 physical and digital copies sold, Modulating the Flavor Profile of Coffee: One Roaster’s Manifesto has helped people worldwide understand better how to achieve the flavors they want with their coffee!