Education designed for coffee roasters.

The Roasting Forum

Welcome to the Hoos Coffee Mentorship Group – a space focused on community and learning! Dive into our coffee book club, kick back at regular meetings, and join the chat in our online forum. If you’re looking for a safe and supportive space to grow your knowledge and skill as a roaster, this place is for you!

Rob Hoos’ Online Loring Roasting Community

This course, drawn from Rob’s extensive experience with the Loring Smart Roast machines (working with them as a consultant since 2013), features several unique insights and approaches to help you become a better roaster on the Loring family of coffee roasters. Whether this is your first time approaching a Loring machine or you come with years of experience, there will be something here that challenges you and causes you to grow. 

One-time purchase, no time limits. Unlike other offerings, a one-time payment grants you access without time limits. Take your time, circle back, and view it again in the future. I’ll be adding content to it, too.

Available in Kindle and iBooks as well as PDF formats.


+1 Program

Access to information and training for members of marginalized groups.

If you’re looking for good contacts…

Here are some of my friends who also instruct and consult. They are awesome!

Sometimes, I design random things. If you want some merchandise then go here.