Thank you!

I am thrilled to have you join the Loring Roasting Workshop and Forum Online! We’re a growing community of people from around the world who roast on Loring Roasters and are committed to learning, sharing, and growing together. I’m sure you’ll fit right in!

I want to confirm with you that your subscription is fine for use by your entire company. If you get a new roaster (person) and want to get them up to speed, then send them through the courses and have them ask questions. If you have questions about a lesson, ask in the comments there. If you have questions about something else, please use the forum for that question.

Also, feel free to answer questions from other people based on your own experiences! We’re all here to strive and work together.

Finally, and importantly if you love what you see on this online platform and would like to share it, I would be thrilled to add you as an affiliate so you can get $100 for anyone who signs up through your link.