Better Coffee Buying
This online coffee course focuses on improving your green coffee buying practices. Learn to confidently source exceptional coffee by understanding seasonality, green coffee grading, sample roasting, and more. Build a strategy that aligns with your business goals and quality standards. - Recorded Jan 15, 2025
$40 for 30-Day Rental
Better Coffee Roasting
Master heat transfer, avoid roasting defects, and learn to optimize your equipment for consistent, flavorful results. This online course puts you in the driver's seat and shows you how to roast coffee how you want. - Recorded Jan 21, 2025
$40 for 30-Day Rental
Better Coffee QA/QC
This online course is all about Quality Control! Gain expertise in using data, establishing standards, and tracking performance to ensure every batch meets your expectations. This class looks at what data to collect, why to collect it, and how to use it to ensure consistency and quality in your coffee roasting program. - Recorded Jan 28, 2025
$40 for 30-Day Rental
Better Coffee Brewing
We don’t just chew on coffee beans; we have to brew them to taste them properly, and this is where many of my clients have run into issues. From the science of coffee brewing to common pitfalls, this class bridges the gap between roasting and brewing. Unlock your coffee’s potential with brewing techniques that bring out its best flavors. - Recorded Feb 4, 2025
$40 for 30-Day Rental

The Essential Coffee Roasting Course
Taught by: Ildi Revi and Rob Hoos
Hosted by Ally Coffee and the Ally Open Initiative

If you’ve missed a live lecture you were hoping to attend…
Timing doesn’t always work out when we are trying to manage our personal and professional lives. Not to mention including time zones and other barriers to international communication. If you couldn’t make a lecture, I’ve made sure to provide you with the ability to rent some of the recorded live lectures for viewing within 30 days.